Monday, January 6, 2014

Hello 2014.

Hi, it has been a year I haven't update my blog. I'll continue write till I... die? Or maybe just....update whenever there's interesting moment that I would like to share? One question, who still update their blog daily? Anyone?
No doubt, 2013 was marvelous.
Rewind;; ---

Me Graduated from form 6. Wasn't doing well but at least I met great people.
Met most of them since secondary school. It was great meeting them again in form 6.

This is my craziest classmates ever & the teachers. The greatest thing we ever did was talking nonsense.
And now we all graduated. Everyone is walking their own path to the success, perhaps?


Also, I went to somewhere far far away from Malaysia!
Hello! This is Taipei 101~

Everything is just so convenient in Taipei, Taiwan. I just love how MRT connects to everywhere just like Singapore and 7-Eleven which sells mostly everything! Most importantly, the clothes are one of the favourites of mine. It meets all my requirements, cheap, good quality & comfortable to wear!

Not forgetting their night markets. 

I went most of their night markets. My favourite food is - pure milk macha ice cream.

If there's a chance. Me wanna go Taipei, Taiwan again!
